The prostate gland is located in front of the rectum and below the bladder. It helps make some of the fluid in semen, that carries sperm from the testicles when a man ejaculates.
Prostate cancer is the 2nd most common cancer among men in the US, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
Here is a list of 20 foods that should be avoided in order to keep maintain a healthy prostate:
#1 Red Meat
#2 Chicken
#3 Cheese
#4 Eggs
#5 Salad Dressings
#6 French Fries
#7 Milk
#8 Alcohol
#9 Yogurts
#10 Hot Dogs
#11 Canned Foods
#12 GMO Soybeans
#13 Doughnuts
#14 Caffeine
#15 Sausages
#16 Ice Cream
#17 Fried Fish
#18 Cookies
#19 Ketchup
#20 Mayonnaise
Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits you eat each day since they are full of nutrients and vitamins which reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
Keep a healthy weight and exercise regularly.
Spend time outside - too little sun exposure can increase your risk of getting prostate cancer.
Improve your sleep since a lack of sleep may actually increase the risk of prostate cancer.
Thank you. This was our video about Foods To Avoid For Prostate Health, male prostate problems, enlarged prostate diet, healthy prostate.
Images - pixabay
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyNXn...- Charles Chiang: be a monk in the Chinese temples, they are eating none of the above.
- Dean: in the old days parent's said eat all your vegetables when you were a kid. but that was like 50 years ago. now there's probably no parent's in the home at dinnertime and everyone eats sitting in front of a tablet or computer screen. intuitively, high animal fat seems bad, but is it really? the link hasn't been conclusively established.
- Kwasi Monen: avoid tin foods triggers off cancer,milk builds up mucus,or any dairy with milk in it .alcohol acidity is very high.cancer can not live in an alkali environment. so it's true.
- Juan A. Loredo: Water n ?
- Jasper Edog: geez whats left beets - maybe i can cut out the hotdogs
- Raj Tamang: Siffal....stop everything
- funguy 50: Veggies were not mentioned which happen to be what God intended us to eat.
- Your Health Remedy: nonveg actually cause the problem since they trigger an inflammatory reaction inside the body.
- Juan A. Loredo: hahahahajajajajajijinini
- hayat manzili: It’s like those patients should fast, die of hunger and sickness.
- Your Health Remedy: Avoid.
- jack hart: They have to keep their job so all this hype , keeps them working 🤣🤣🤣😋 enjoy life ,eat and drink in moderation, and put a smile on the wife face one a week (sex ??)
- Notorious EI: u wouldn't say sh't like that if u been thought it like i have!!!
- Beng Yee: Give us scientific research papers on the mentioned 20 foods to avoid for a healthy prostate
- Rahimullah Mirza: do not drink milk - why ?
- kamal Bardia: Life styled diseases are deadly and very traumatic painfully.
But it is easy to avoid these diseases with change of our diet to vegetarian Indian foods. We should take simple diet full of green vegetables,fruits and grains.
Staple Indian vegetarian foods are healthy,hot,very tasty and keeps many diseases away from the body.
- Sunder Raj P: My name.
- Tyson Auckerman: Kent Rhoads glad you said something. Sugar is bad I know. But didnt know it effected the prostate as much
- jack hart: HAY YOU MIST SEX ????, don't eat any think , and die young PROBLEM SOLVED !!!🤔😤😤😂😂😂
- Dominic flood: What are we suppose to live on fresh air, even vegans get cancer.
- larry lucas: WTF! Would have been easier telling what I can eat...
- Your Health Remedy: Nope. Only logic and reason.
- Waryemez Ez: Soham Bandyopadhyay I guess from nowhere we should do photosynthesis to avoid cancer
- gwwayner: Blaming food for all our health problems is bullshit. I want to see scientific double-blind peer-reviewed controlled studies which statistically prove any connection to ill health or proof of benefit.
- Best Tongkat Ali: Awesome video! I just want to add some unique info on this important prostate subject https://wp.me/p9xQ8n-55 hope this help! 🙂
- The Master Key: Sugar in ketchup
- Best Tongkat Ali: Awesome video! I just want to add some unique info on this important prostate subject https://wp.me/p9xQ8n-55 hope this help! 🙂
- K C: Ooooh lord, I'm going to die for hunger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ROLAND BARRETO: kamal Bardia l
- The Master Key: Thats very sad you feel that way. When faced with cancer l hope you change your mind.
- Janardhan Shimpi: good
- haji Abdurahman: And good advice
- Juan A. Loredo: hahahahajijijoji
- Kent Rhoads: +Tyson Auckerman if you are diagnosed with prostate cancer sugar is the first thing you want to eliminate from your diet because the cancer feeds on it. Keep in mind that it is estimated that 75% of all packaged foods include refined sugar or the same thing in another form, so those should be tossed out as well.
- Everett Brooks: It's bad cause it has yeast in it.
- Dean: research source: national center for biotechnical information (ncbi website).
a searchable database of millions of entries, all papers published in peer-reviewed journals for all medical conditions on the planet.
highly recommended in my opinion for people who wish to thoughtfully research health matters.
- haji Abdurahman: Use full information
- Best Tongkat Ali: Awesome video! I just want to add some unique info on this important prostate subject https://wp.me/p9xQ8n-55 hope this help! 🙂
- Batoks Denico: Glutony thats the problem of manny sick people today. There stomack is there god. Your body is the temple of the holy spirit.
- Pitt Bull: mother fuckers what we supost to eat then this vido says dont eat noting he wants to kill all off us men fuck this vido rubish all Dr r pricks dont blive any shit they say and dont get ur ass finger by the cunts die like men with vetgen ass holl lolol
- Your Health Remedy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyBZbd5tpWM
- Terry Buggage: My whole diet 1
- Best Tongkat Ali: Is it okay?
- Mm Mm: Explain ketchup? Tomatoes are good for you.. and I can get a link to Dr David Samadi who says ketchup good for prostate.
Just say avoid dairy instead of putting 4 or 5 items that are dairy in here to make list bigger.
- Soham Bandyopadhyay: Where to get Protein from ???
- Dick Schroeder: Beng Yee bb
- Womble Robert: Yes but good to know where to start reducing.
A whole food plant based diet is medicine for the body including fermented veg kefir etc I it's dead processed goods that makes the SAD the worst diet in the world
- thicky: they should at least say in moderation
- Ian Leahy: Do you have a why behind any of these?
- Stephen Purkess: Chicken is ok if baked and organic
- Yuri Tovbin: Do you deliberately make all those forbidden foods look so great on the photos? Who is paying you?
- Your Health Remedy: Actually, this is staying healthy.
- Doctor Khalid: Nothing remain for our life as hole
- farid1510: yes,,,
- Tom Boyle: What's next? Water.
- Mm Mm: Here is link to Urologist who says ketchup good for prostate.
- Swapan Dey: I will rather stay with my prostate problem than give up all these delicacies 😂
- ifteqar hassan71: I am around 40, prostate size is 32 cc.
- LimJohn John: Chicken?
- Tyson Auckerman: Kent Rhoads very true. Thank you.
- Pundlik Patil: larry lucas
- Frank Gathers: Fuck kinda shit is this? This is whats available to eat ,dumbass
- Mahesh Panwar: Hari Om Ayurveda Shastri Colony nasrullaganj Jila Sehore Madhya Pradesh India mein prostate gland gout paralysis ka upchar guarantee ke sath Kiya Jata Hai doctors amantrit Sampark karne ka samay 10 30 a.m. se 11 30 a.m. my mobile number 9424 724 843
- Ian Leahy: That's what I was thinking.
- Juan A. Loredo: Water myby
- michael javois: video maker , thanks for the info , iam following your suggestion .
- Best Tongkat Ali: This is important!
- Stephen Purkess: 5 worst for this is soy products cows milk red meat fried foods alcohol
- Your Health Remedy: Homemade ketchup is good, however, commercial ketchup is full of toxic food additives that increase inflammation in the body and disrupt the bacterial makeup of the gut.
- Dwayn Smith: K C that's what you got eat some vagetables...
- JP Soni: Thank. U I have to stop cheese, yoghurt ,fries, soya bean, coke, all others I do NOT eat because I am a Indian vegetarian
- Dean: dirt (soil, natural earth)is actually very rich in antibiotics. many antibiotics commonly used in medicine were first found in soil samples. in very poor communities it's common to let very small kids eat dirt (earth, soil). folk medicine says it strengthens their immunity for a lifetime. but don't eat dirt. there's a lot of potentially bad stuff in it too.
- Raffy Ramos: We will just drink POISON and DIE!!!!! Stupid Video!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Eileen Dover: This is a vegan commercial.
- Jack Schaefer: Heck I'm screwed, I eat 95% of this list and I am male which of course I have a prostate, this kinda sucks.
- dako titi: mAybe grass I eating.
- Dr PC Sarkar: Crap. Any scientific data?
- Kent Rhoads: They left off prostate cancer's favorite food, which is sugar. Kind of strange.
- Jarehman Jarehman: Avoiding nonveg food is also causes problem
- Wilfred Villanueva: Veggies were ordained to Adam and Eve and Straw to the animals before the fall, animals did not kill
Each other for food, God changed the order of
Things after the flood.
Gen.9:2-4. Lev. 17 :13. Isa 11:7 Isa. 65:25 Acts 10:12,13.
- Dean: research source: national center for biotechnical information (ncbi website).
a searchable database of millions of entries, all papers published in peer-reviewed journals for all medical conditions on the planet.
highly recommended in my opinion for people who wish to thoughtfully research health matters.
- Juan A. Loredo: Muy water wt fork
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20 Foods To Avoid For Prostate Health |
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