- Janet Spurr: Thank you Joel for helping me to be closer to God and Jesus Christ. I'm seeing the miracles. Although I just learned that you are coming to Boston and I think it's sold out. Would love to see you and hope there's a way to get tickets.
- Rev. David E. Hamm, K4EET: As others have already said below, ***THANKS***, Pastors Joel and Victoria, for your all's morning eMails with "Today's Word with Joel & Victoria" that await me every weekday morning in my eMail application's Inbox. Before anything else each morning, I read that eMailed message to get my day started, which, coupled with reading His Word and praying, makes for a grande start off the blocks (I used to run track too - LOL!). Be blessed as Lakewood's ministries spread light worldwide! In Him, Dave
- cooljc26: *If you did that little recital, you are still not saved. You can't find this in the bible at all*
- Barbara Dlusky: Amen, Thank you Lord Jesus, Love you Pastor Joel Osteen
- Debra Timms: pat Tata jpsdebra Tata Tata GMA Love DEbvra Debby Debby Mom yes Debby pat LC GMA Tata jpsdebra Tata Tata GMA Love DEbvra Rr Tata DEbvra Love GMA LC TaTa DEbvra pAt GMA Rr Tata p
- cibele dantas: Thank you Joe, for your inspirational words, every day i start my day listen to you. I got my faith back when i start it to read your books and see you on tv! God bless you! :0)
- andrea crews: Thank you. I just gave my heart to the Lord.
- Snertbird: I have prayed this prayer over and over and over, yet I still don't know Jesus is REAL. can someone please help me know Jesus, I'm having a crisis of faith.
- Gordon McElvany: No evidence in New Testament of sinners prayer. Read for yourself the eight conversions in the book of Acts and see for youself
- Andy V: Yes Ephraim -- God loves all of us with an amazing love and no one is beyond that love -- just look at the life of John Newton, as an example. But also remember Romans 8:1 in its entirety, 'There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit' (KJV). The 'no condemnation' comes AFTER you have been born again. When a murderer is found guilty and is in front of the Judge, he is condemned. It is only the grace of the judge that waives the sentence. God has found us all guilty. Romans 3:23. The penalty is laid out. Romans 6:23. But God, in His grace, waives the sentence IF we accept what Jesus did for us on the cross. As far as the 'born again' Christian, I agree. Too many of us are struggling with sin still ... living a life not fully yielded to the Holy Spirit and trying to do things in our own power. Cheers ..
- jocelyn espiritu: Amen
- Antonio Gordon: Amen
- Ranger 18: Colin Beirne and the day after that is going to be even better.
- Colin Beirne: tomorrow's going to be a good day
- David Fink: Amen...
- david glessman: Andy V Love the dialogue between you two. Good stuff shared
- Green Tea ASMR: Write it upon the heart...to believe..read....to truly know..be-alive is to believe ..to be is a state of experience..come to know your spirit... research what is already written of the holy spirit....and living water...from the well that runs dry not🌿
- Ronald Morrow: I am deaf and very disappoint. No close caption this vblg. Please next time to make sure all video have close captions.
- Bere Gonzalez: God bless everyone!
- willemrock09 girdany: Thank you Joel for all you do and most importantly for your daily encouragement !
- Bere Gonzalez: God bless everyone on an amazing Sunday! It feels amazing to belong with God!!!!!
- Israeli News Live: Why don't you ask Rabbi Ben DeNoon the seriousness of the hour you are leaving in, Its Later Than You Think!!
- david glessman: Callmeappa - AOSM Sure, the closest thing to what you're asking for is Acts 3:19 "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out." It would make sense that the word repent would not be in the same sentence that defines repentance. This is the same for grace; the word is not in the same sentence as the definition of the word. The Bible defines repentance as a change in mind which leads to a forsaking of sin. Jesus said to the invalid man, "See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." (John 5:14) Jesus himself says repentance as in forsaking sin is necessary for salvation. This is not taught in many churches.
- cooljc26: *I hope you didn't fall for this sinner's nonsense. Joel Osteen is not saved at all, and neither does he have a clue to what he is talking about. Peter didn't tell sinners to repeat or say these words with me. Peter told sinners to REPENT, BE BAPTIZED EVERYONE OF YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE THE HOLY GHOST same as he did in Acts.2:4. Acts.**2:38**!!!*
- Sheldon Mccabe: Thank you Joel. God has given me and my family many blessing. They came at time of need and times we did not expect. He is a gracious father. I read your message everyday and enjoy reading them. Thank you for sharing them to us.
- jocelyn espiritu: More blessing. ..
- cooljc26: *The Lakewood Church needs to kick sinner man Joel Osteen out or you all need to leave and go to a real church that will teach and tell you all the truth concerning how to be saved. Joel Osteen is nothing but a deceived sinner in the pulpit*
- MrNoobZYT -ROBLOX: This guy is a liar. Repent simply means change of mind.(Biblcial) Repent from sin is work. You will see in the Bible that Jesus didn't say "Repent of your sins"
- Beth Chimba: May God bless you for your daily inspiration
- david glessman: Jew and Greek Right, I'm not trying to do that either. If I call Joel Osteen a false teacher like many other biblical pastors do, it would be because he preaches a prosperity gospel, where God exists for your pleasure and if you just have faith and are a "good person," you will have health, wealth and prosperity. It's wrong, and it just hurts people.
- Brandy Evans: Please add closed caption for deaf and hard of hearing people. I want them to know what you said on the video and to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. I am hard of hearing and do read lips and sign language. I would like to share this on my Facebook since I have some deaf and hard of hearing friends on Facebook. Thank you, Joel for your inspirational sermons. Praise the Lord Jesus! : )
- John He: Not everyone who saith unto me "Lord, Lord" shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who doeth the Father's will shall inherit the kingdom of God. One day I will say to them "I never knew you, depart from me, you workers of iniquity." Matthew 7:21-23. If you just say a prayer and do good works to be saved, you will go to hell. You must truly repent of your sins (that is, a change of mind: acknowledge you are a guilty sinner, you desperately need Jesus Christ alone as your Savior, and you now hate your sins and you desire to turn from them), come to Jesus Christ and trust Him alone as your Savior, believing that He died on the cross for all of your sins, He was buried, and He resurrected from the dead three days later, proving that His death is sufficient enough to pay for all of your sins.
- 10ainos: Thank you pastor Joel for your encouraging words
- Mark Garner: You’re exactly right brother
- a p: Thank you lord for speaking through this man. Continue to bless him and those surrounding him. Amen
- Callmeappa - AOSM: david glessman Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Acts:3:19 The true word of God is telling you to turn toward God and your sins will be forgiven.
- Tito Castro: That's Wonderful God Bless You!!!
- Tito Castro: AMEN JOEL!!!
- h2dworld: Thank you for your inspirational emails.U r blessed.
- david glessman: Snertbird If you are still dealing with that, please watch this clip! This might help, take a look: Powerful Testimonies https://youtu.be/Tcqu2WjSOJo
- jimmy watson: If people would take a few minutes and thank GOD I think they would truly feel better about themselves and other people, don't cost anything give it a shot and no-one need know
- Mimi Forsyth: Thank you Joel for your daily emails and for helping me to truly understand what it means to be a faithful Christian, listening to you on TV, watching your YouTube videos and reading your first book has gotten me through a serious affiliation which has been for over 33 months. It it were not for you I would still be in my room in bed feeling sorry for myself. Instead I now realize my experience has gotten closer to Jesus, I can now use it to help those who have it and to help prevent it from h
- Brooks Martin: Salvation is by faith alone in Jesus Christ and the gospel. The sinner's prayer scriptural. If you want to be saved, understand that you are a sinner, then trust that Christ died for your sins, was buried, and rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Put your faith in HIM alone, not any amount of works you do. Repenting (turning) from your sins is a work, and praying a prayer is a work. If you are that you are saved because you prayed 'the sinner's prayer', you are still lost because you are adding a work to the gospel. Don't be deceived. Romans 10:10 says 'For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.' You're made righteous when you BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART, then after you believe you should be rejoicing and confessing with your mouth that you got saved. Romans 3:23-26 is what you need to read about salvation. Don't fall for this sinner's prayer nonsense which requires no understanding of the GOSPEL or the blood atonement. We're not told to ask for salvation, we're told to believe.
- david glessman: Your saving faith is proved by repenting, turning from sin in your life :)
- carashad1: Thank you Joel for my daily inspirations and for your show on the weekend...you are helping me each and every day!
- Robert Serbe: Thank you Joel for being you and doing all the amazing great things you have done to help me and so many others.....I have led a crazy life and have been down and depressed lately your sermons and reading your "Friday" book have helped me get through". It's so awesome that every blade of grass i ever walked on and every choice no matter how positive or negative has brought me to this video and being the first to comment on it. God has big plans for me Thank you hope to meet one day
- Keanu M.: thank GOD for everthing he did for us i am saved and i thank him for it for dying on the cross for us and our sins he deserves to be worshipped i`m young and saved i will worship him for internity
- Anil Bhate: In November 2009, just a few days before Thanksgiving, I got born again, thanks to Pastor Joel Osteen:)! God bless you Pastor Joel, Victoria, your children, & Lakewood Church in Jesus’ name. Amen:-)🙏.
- christopher benson: Hes a likeable chap and i he wears a nice smart suit
- Sybil Bows: Thank you Jesus for loving me, you are Lord!
- Frankie Welborn: What a true blessing you and the work you do for our Lord means to me. I thank God everyday for your ministry and your love of our Lord. What a blessing it is to read your email and know I am truly loved and can expect a great life through Jesus Christ. God bless you and your family.
- garrettgeresmom: Thank you Joel for your wonderful emails, for your messages and for being the person God has lead you to be. You are such an inspiration in my life. I've read your books over and over. I, like many others, have gone through difficulties & still am, however, I thank God for my trials. They have brought me closer to Jesus than I ever would imagine. Thanks again. :)
- TheJlopez2: Amen, Lord be with me!
- Shapwa Kaulinge: Thank you for wisdom, now I know the end from the beginning, I know Jesus loves me, I am now living in the garden of Eden. God is for me, God bless.
- Letty Acevedo: Amen
- Maycol Quetzecua: Acts 2:38 is the TRUE SALVATION.
- Amit Kumar Jal this song inspire me a lot: Jesus saves
- ange nunez: Thank you for your amazing impact on Jesus in my Life.!!!!
- Brenda Batzloff: P
- Anais Clair: Joel looks better with age or is it me?
- gg allin: GOD BLESS TRUMP
- Jacob stephen: Love you pastor
- SPD Music Productions: Thank You Joel! My wife and I Love the Lord, you and your ministry. Everyday is a new beginning.
- Valda Brown: Thanks so much Joel for your email every morning. That is what starts my day and we also use it in our meetings as an inspiration. You have no idea how much lives you have impacted with your words and preaching. May God continue to bless your ministry and your family. Your friend, Valda
- Dawn Wilmer: AMEN
- cooljc26: *Stop praying this prayer. You need to ask God to fill you with his Holy Spirit same as how he gave it to them IN THE BIBLE on the day of Pentecost in Acts.2:4, Acts.**10:44**-46 and Acts.19:6!!! And then you will be saved and you will know for a fact that God is so real!!!!*
- Peter Atef: Amen
- aerano: Amen
- Morrid Christian: Yes amen
- cooljc26: *He's nothing but a wolf in sheep clothing fleecing the flock!!!*
- Garcia Romero: Amen
- RubiaAnthony: Thank you god for being in my life!!
- Ann Neva: just a BIG Thank You...with all my heart..
- Garcia Romero: Thank you joel for everyday word thath make me feel FREE yes I'm free & I'm cancer free also thanks for your ministry GOD blessyou.
- Monica Corriz: Thank you ,AMEN
- Hank Griffin: Prayer is talking WITH God!
- Tee William: Romans 10:9. One must believe in ur heart and CONFESS with ur mouth that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, that He died and He rose again and u will be saved. Yes, ask Christ to be the Lord of ur life, but make sure u acknowledge what He did for u, for us!!
- hApPy HeArT: Victory!! In Jesus Name. Amen.
- briannasdad05: Amen!
- Joan Maldarelli: Thank you Joel. We are having a rough time in the family. My husband is unemployed but I know something good will happen soon. It's my faith that is getting us through. Thank you for your inspiration. Peace, Joan M.
- Brooke's Squishies: Thank you
- Celestial Archangel: Bless you and thank you Joel
- bhnewsome: Joel, I have walked with you through unemployment for 1-1/2 years. I found another job and have been bless by God . I strive to have our three girls understand there is a plan for all of us. When a door closes, another opens. We just have to have faith and strength to walk through it. We pray daily for the fortitude to continue on Gods path and thank him for his guidance and strength. We thak you and Victoria for your support and guidance. Devoted in CHRIST. Barry & Michele
- Jew and Greek: I'm not saying that it's true because many churches teach it. I'm saying that if you start condemning as heretics or false teachers everybody who does the sinner's prayer you're going to end up with a puny little "bless me" club that thinks they're the only ones going to heaven. I don't care for the sinner's prayer myself, but I'm not on a condemnation trip where I go around looking for reasons to send everybody to hell who doesn't believe and worship like I do. My Baptist pastor wasn't a false teacher. He was just an imperfect vessel who followed the sinner's prayer tradition of his day.
- GM: Yes, I love Jesus my savior and Lord.
- D. Bishop: Accepting Jesus is the Son of God is one part of becoming a Christian but not the only thing one must do.
- rachel GREEN: I love this , Joel you make me feel a little better- thank you for that inspiring message
- Fabrice Munyakazi: Thank you I just gave my heart to the Lord as well, I am so happy and I do not intend on looking back at all....Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen
- Dawn Wilmer: thank you, now i need to break the bondages in my life
- Luis: roman 11
- araminian: Amen! And Thank you!
- eradicatedsoul: Amen
- Héctor Alejandro Cid Pérez: andrea crews
- MrMuteMusic: *big hugs* That's wonderful! Congratulations :)
- James Perry: Blessings! Blessings! and more blessings!
- Mayur Kadam: Thank you for prayer. Amen!
- Good4You: Through the blood of Jesus Christ. Not a very Good prayer .... This guy should have respect for God to pray a little linger of a salvation prayer than 20 seconds!!
- Callmeappa - AOSM: david glessman if you wouldnt mind can you show me repent of your sins in the bible
- workpleasurepain: Joel you have a way with words that just grabs my full attention. I read every e-mail you send,it keeps me going and also relieves my stress and depression. Thank you so much for all you do. Thank you GOD for Joel Osteen.
- Fisho's Shore Angling Videos: Thank you and God Bless You.
- cooljc26: *Amen, that is definitely true salvation!!!*
- Mark Garner: Luis acts 10. The first gentiles were saved through baptism. Mark 16:16
- cooljc26: *Give me the scripture that says you saved by faith ALONE, key word being ALONE!!!(Don't waste your time looking for it, the bible does NOT say that)*
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